Friday, August 28, 2009

Moving Overseas

If you are preparing to move overseas then you should know that there are so many different parameters that you cannot actually control everything. You should be comfortable with the idea that no matter how prepared you are, you are probably not fully prepared for what you are immersing in. Not in a bad sense though; moving overseas is a kind of adventure. This can be fun, especially if you try to organise yourself in advance so as to avoid possible pitfalls and frustrations down the road.

Stay organised; prepare a moving overseas checklist consisting of what you will need and what you might need. This will help you be more focused, especially if you commit in adding something the moment you remember it. Don’t underestimate the importance of a checklist because it can save your sanity in your effort to prepare yourself for the move.

Don’t keep things for the last minute, since you will soon figure out that there are so many things that you need to do, that you will get overstressed if you leave everything for the last moment. Decide what you need to buy and what you need to sell. Remember that if the move is temporary, you need to take just personal things you will need; avoid taking unnecessary things with you.

Try to find out things about the culture, the habits and customs of the place you are going to; being an expat in Dubai, for instance, is not the same as being an expat in Germany. Different culture, different way of life, different mentality. Being an expat in a foreign place is not always easy, thankfully though there are numerous people in the same place as you, who are capable of providing you useful information and insight. There are also many websites where expats from all over the world discuss about their experience and their suggestions. Check them out because they could be a great resource of information.

Article By Sturat


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