Thursday, March 22, 2012

What to Look For When Moving Overseas

What is the first thing that people usually look into when considering making the move overseas? More often then not, perspective oversea movers primarily consider the low cost of living in their country of choice. This tends to be the deciding factor for some to make the move. Should the low cost of living be the only factor that you should look into?

Talking to local expats that are living in the country you are looking into, is a very prudent thing to do. They will tell you that there is a wide variety of factors to consider. Many different factors can help you decide where your ultimate retirement destination is. Focusing on just one aspect is not the most sensible thing to do. Here are a few things that you will want to consider when moving overseas:

• The Climate

A country can have areas that are a tropical paradise, or a winter wonderland. Finding the right climate for you and your family is very important.

• Safety

Safety is of great import. It is not enjoyable to be constantly living in fear. All the hard work of moving overseas will have been in vain if you feel like you have to constantly look over your shoulder. So, look up the crime rate in the areas you are looking into, and see what the government has to say.

• Medical Options

As we get older, more seems to go wrong with our bodies. So having reliable medical facilities nearby can be of paramount importance. Consider what option you will have in each country of interest. Examine every piece of information you can find on health care. It is always better to be safe, than sorry.

• Distance From Your Family

This is probably one of the most prudent, and yet overlooked, things to keep in mind. Do you have grandchildren? If so, you will most definitely find it hard to be far away from them. So, choose a country that has decent prices on flights. That way, when you miss your family to the point that you must see them, you can easily and cheaply get back to them. It may even be wise to move somewhere that is a little closer to home. Take a moment to sit back and consider you options. Be realistic!

As you can see, there are many things to consider when you are planning to move overseas. Not only are there many things to consider, but also there are also many places to looking to. Mexico and Panama are the more popular retirement destination.

Despite the political turmoil that is shown on the news, the Middle East is also very popular with retirees. UAE and the Saudi Arabia are known for being on good terms with foreign retirees. This is essential when you are moving to a new country. If you decide to move to a country where foreign retirees are not treated nicely, you should expect to pay more than is necessary to get your paperwork.

Those who are a little more reluctant to move overseas have decided on Canada as their ultimate retiring destination. Not only is it close to the United States, but it also has excellent health care options. The downside is that the taxes tend to be a little higher.

In the end, where you move is a matter of personal preference. Be sure to talk to local expats in the countries you are looking into. However, you should always remember that what might seem like paradise to one retiree, may be the exact opposite of what another retiree pictures as 'the good life'. So, do your research. The Internet is an excellent source of information on every country you could imagine. Maintain that imagine of the perfect destination in your mind, and find the country that matches your personal preferences.

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