Working whilst overseas allows you to stay away from home for longer so that you do not have to catch a flight back as soon as your last pennies run out. But don't limit yourself to online adverts and job applications when looking for work: There are plenty of ways that you can use your new surroundings to inspire you to make your own living.
Here are four of the best ways that you can use 'destination inspiration' to make a few bucks whilst on the road.
1. Writing
The romantic image of the travel writer is one which has captivated many a traveler over the years. But you do not have to be Paul Theroux or Bruce Chatwin to earn a few bucks. Obviously, writing a travel book is one way to make your possible fortune, but it certainly isn't the easiest way, especially if you are looking for guaranteed success.
Magazines & Newspapers
Every day that you spend in another country you will encounter people, situations, events, and places which might make fantastic stories for those back home.
Newspapers and magazines love to fill up their pages with original stories, and if you are living somewhere slightly unusual, experiencing things which are different from the norm, you may find that you can publish a few articles this way.
The Web
It can be quite hard to break into writing for publications, so you might want to look for online opportunities instead.
Now that it is so easy to create a blog or website, everyone can be a publisher. If you find that you are constantly coming across interesting stories and fascinating cultural idiosyncrasies, write them down in a travel blog.
Think there's no money to be made in a blog? Many people are now setting up travel blogs and making good money from them. It is not necessarily easy to start earning lots of money, but it is certainly possible if you put the time into it. And it can be great fun at the same time.
2. Photography
Digital photography is a marvel, and combined with the internet it has made it much easier for people living abroad to make money from their photographs.
You don't even need a particularly good camera to make money in this way. A good eye for photos and determination to get your photos seen is all that it takes.
The problem you face is competition. As you can imagine, travel photography is something which many people find appealing. After all, everyone fancies themselves as a potential photographer.
But that is no reason to dismiss it.
Start by taking photos of anything you find interesting and upload them to online image banks. If you can sell your photos this way then you could find yourself making a nice little side income. It might not make you rich, but lots of people are quite successful doing this so you never know.
Why not go one further and try and sell your photos to magazines, newspapers, and other publications? If your pics are really special or capture a particularly newsworthy event then anything is possible.
3. Start a Business
If you want to properly set yourself up abroad then there are countless ways for you to set up a business. The thing that normally holds people back is the investment needed, as well as the sometimes arbitrary and long-winded process of establishing a business overseas.
But using your destination as inspiration, you might be able to come up with some possible ideas to get you started.
Try to see what it is that the local population is missing that you know they need. As Steve Jobs once wisely said: "A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them."
For example, in Argentina I've had loads of ideas for potential businesses that I haven't yet put into action. These include smoke alarms (so important back home but almost non-existent here), sandwich bars (they just don't get how to make a good sandwich!), and plenty of others that I'll keep to myself for now.
Look around you. Talk to the locals. Do you find people constantly saying how lucky you are to have a certain service or product back home that they cannot get hold of? Use that as your inspiration to set up your own business.
4. Discover Your Strengths
As well as working out what the local population lack in your new destination, you may find that you become more aware of your strengths when you move abroad and things that you may not have noticed back home suddenly become potential business ideas.
For example, speaking fluent English might not be much of a selling point back home, but in your new country it could lead to all sorts of work opportunities.
At different times since I moved overseas, I have taught English, provided proof reading and editing to local businesses, written content for their websites, and more, all whilst charging a premium.
You could even set up an English teaching company and use your native English as a selling point to attract more paying students.
Get Inspired
Use what you see around you to get inspired by your destination. There is no reason why you should not make money by working abroad, whether you are traveling through a new country or staying put for longer.
Whether you want to find work overseas to make a bit of money on the side, or a full-time income, there are plenty of options available. All it takes is a little bit of inspiration.
Connor Davies knows all about setting up overseas and earning money from the other side of the world. Want to know how you can do the same? Follow him at and get hold of his free eBook. It could well provide you with the boost you need to make that dream move.
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