Relocation, whether domestic or overseas can be stressful. If it's an international move, it will surely have a massive amount of paperwork to be done. Here are some valuable tips to make an overseas move easy and stress-free.
File Applications for Required Documents
You can start with filing applications for passports, visa and other important documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, contracts and so on. Confirm on the type of visa for you and your family. It will definitely take some time to get all the paperwork done. So its better to file immediately once the move is confirmed.
Make Arrangements for Shipping Household
Before you decide on shipping household materials, estimate shipping cost and average cost for acquiring household items in the new country. It may be that all the required materials are easily available there for a reasonable price. If you are not taking your household items along with you, then you can place them on a moving out sale. If you are sentimental about something, give it to your family or relatives so that you can always look forward to use them later in your life.
If you are shipping household items, then request quotes from different shipping companies and choose one. Ship your household at a convenient date, as it would take a bit longer to arrive. While packing, make sure that you have included all required items for your new house. Keep things which will be of immediate use with you. You can carry them along in your flight. Furthermore, enquire about the baggage limit for your chosen airlines and plan accordingly.
Gather Information
Co-ordinate with your travel agent or friends in destined location and enquire about prescribed vaccinations, schools for children and other such necessities. Research about the history and culture of the destined country which you will be moving and learn about the laws and regulations. Plenty of sources are available in the internet which cites information for expatriates. Familiarize with the new country using Google maps and other documents from the internet. You will get details about the local stores, supermarkets, nearby clinics, church and other useful supplies for making your life easier at new location.
Book Finances and Accommodation
Before you reach the new country, make arrangements for your accommodation. You can book it online in hotels or can seek guest houses from your company. Keep enough currency of the foreign country with you, in case if needed. This will let you have a smooth transition.
Socialize With Friends and Other Expatriates
Socializing with other expatriates will keep you informed about little things, which will make you feel at home even in a new place. Always accept the advice and help that they offer to you in the new country. This will help you to build new relationships and will lessen your mixed feelings for being away from home.
Nitha Thomas is a freelance writer from India. She writes content for various websites online.
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